I am a curious human endeavoring to accumulate knowledge to comprehend the phenomenal place we call home and its fundamental laws. As a physicist, I employ experimentation and mathematics to unveil the mysteries of the quantum world, manipulating atomic interactions through electromagnetic fields to create highly excited and interacting quantum states. My academic research has primarily focused on studying Rydberg atoms.

2005 - 2008
São Paulo State University - UNESP
Major in physics.
2009 - 2010
University of São Paulo - USP
Master in physics (Atomic Physics)
2011 - 2014
University of São Paulo - USP
Phd in physics (Atomic Physics)
2015 - 2016
Durham University - United Kingdom
Postdoc Researcher (Atmol group)
Rydberg-Rydberg interactions
Interference effects in cold and hot atomic samples
Rydberg blockade in thermal atomic samples
Cooling and trapping atoms
Single photon generation and non linear effects

Microwave and Terahertz sensing
Prof. Dr. Charles Adams
(JQC-Durham/Newcastle, UK)
Dr. Kevin Weatherill
(JQC-Durham/Newcastle, UK)
Mr. Nikola Sibalic
(JQC-Durham/Newcastle, UK)
Mr. Christopher Wade
(JQC-Durham/Newcastle, UK)
Dr. Natalia de Melo
(UFPE - Dept. FÃsica, BR)
Prof. Dr. Luis Gustavo Marcasa
Mr. Luis F. Gonçalves

Donald Booth
(University of Wisconsin)

James Shaffer
(University of Oklahoma)

Lúcio Sartori Farenzena