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Prof. Dr. Jorge D. Massayuki Kondo


I am currently an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) in the beautiful city of Florianópolis, located in the south of Brazil. My research interests are focused on Atomic Physics, particularly with both hot vapor and ultra-cold atomic systems. I had the opportunity to work in Durham, UK, where I conducted postdoctoral research in atomic physics at Durham University. This research, part of a collaborative effort led by the JQC (Joint Quantum Centre - Durham / New Castle), explored nonlinear phenomena mediated by strong interactions between Rydberg atoms. Additionally, I worked on developing Terahertz sensing technology based on Rydberg states electrometry.

I obtained my Ph.D. in atomic and molecular physics from the University of São Paulo (USP), where I worked at the Atomic Interactions Laboratory - LIA. My research focused on studying interactions between Rydberg atoms using ultra-cold samples of Rubidium trapped in optical and magneto-optical traps. This website,, serves as a hub for my research interests and potential collaborations.



A new article from Harvard University published on Science Magazine just brought interesting and worrying prediction about the postpandemic landscape in short term scenario. The researchers present simulations based on well-known postpandemic parameters from other beta coronaviruses strains.

Quadrupolar electric field electrodes

As Rydberg atoms are quite sensible to electromagnetic field is very important to control every stray electric field present at the sample. For this a set of 8 independent electrodes were build as delivery a 3-dimensional control over the field inside a UHV chamber.

Hot atomic sample

Projeto de pesquisa: Explorando estados não clãssicos da luz em amostras atômicas ultrafrias e quentes.

Tem como objetivo o estudo de interferências quânticas EIT e EIA em amostras atômicas quentes e frias, utilizando estados de Rydberg altamente excitados.

DAMOP 2023
05 to 09.06.2023 - Spokane/WA, USA


DAMOP 2024
03 to 07.06.2024 - Fort Worth/Texas, USA
Quantum and Classical Systems with Long-Range Interactions
15 to 19.07.2019 - Natal, Brazil

Science & life as an atomic physicist

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